Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Home Hair Coloring

A handful of my clients still color their hair at home, almost always due to a financial situation. However, the differences between a professional job and a home job are huge! Every single client who has tried in salon color just once, has completely converted and no longer colors their hair at home!

I have read a lot of interesting things online in regards to opinions of home coloring, and yes there is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing it yourself, however be wary of the random tips you can find online in regards to home hair coloring!

I prefer to be honest with my clients, and try to help them get the best at home dye-job possible rather than pressure them to switch. Here are some of the tips that I share with my clients whose budget does not allow them to switch to professional coloring:

Application: Have a friend help you if you need to, but it is important that you don't overlap color application with the last application. If using permanent color ONLY apply to new growth. Color overlap leads to breakage.

Brands: I can't reccomend one brand of box dye over another, as I have not used one since I was 14. Even before I was licensed, I would at least hit up the local Sally's and grab some semi-professional hair color for my own head. I say semi-professional because no respectable salons buy their hair color at Sally's or any other beauty supply that is open to the public. That said, stores like that are great resources for "kitchen stylists".

Hair Color Removal: This is best left to the pros. I have read some rediculous things online that even go so far as suggesting that you put TIDE on your hair to remove unwanted color. I bet Draino would remove hair color too, would you pour Draino on your hair? Go to a salon for color removal!

Extremes: Going from one color extreme to another (ie light blonde to dark brown and vice versa) actually involves a lot of formulating, and often several steps. Unless you want to end up with green or orange hair, its best to consult a pro.

Products/ Aftercare: Just because you are coloring at home does not mean you can also skimp out on styling product quality. If anything it is more vital than ever to make sure you are using proper products. Let your stylist know what hair color you are using and ask which products she reccomends for aftercare. Color-safe shampoos and conditioners are a necessity.

Semi-Permanent vs Permanent: Guess what? Just because that box says its semi-permanent does not mean it is! If there are two parts to mix than the color is either a demi-permanent or a permanent. Semi permanent is a non-oxidative color that you can apply directly from the tube/bottle. It does not require a catalyst. There is also no way of knowing what volume developer you are using in that box of color.

Converting: Always always always let your stylist know that you have been coloring at home. We need to know this so that the color formula we create is correct.

Also, if you are concerned about the cost of coloring your hair in the salon, express this concern to your stylist! Sometimes stylists will offer some deals to earn free/discounted services for referrals.

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